This is NOT a fancy heritage house full of expensive nick-knacks and leather furniture! The decor is minimalist, featuring early Salvation Army period fixtures, with a little reproduction Goodwill here and there. There is lots of choice in Sooke, so if you are looking for something fancier, please check out the alternatives.
Go here to view some pictures of the house and property.
The house is situated on a South-West facing
slope, looking out over mixed farm and rural housing.
Being on a cul-de-sac, there is not much traffic, and
it is generally very quiet.
The house is constructed of milled cedar logs, has a vaulted ceiling, also of cedar, and is heated mainly by two wood burning stoves. Two rooms are available for visitors, one with a queen size bed, and the other with 2 bunk beds. There are also futons or folding beds, or tents in the forest if you prefer. A seasonal creek passes through the property, November through April or May being the usual time it runs. December is normally the wettest month, and the gentle creek can become a raging torrent at times.
Flora and fauna:
The area is mostly second growth mixed forest,
with Douglas fir, western red cedar, hemlock and broadleaf maple being the major
species. The vegetation is quite lush, with sword fern, salal, Oregon grape
and holly providing year-round greenery. The spring time and early summer can
be quite colorful, with a dozen species of wild berries, towering digitalis,
exotic skunk cabbage, rare lilies, and wild rose. A little
higher up, on rocky outcrops and alpine meadows, spring and early
summer bring large patches of exquisite mountain and alpine flowers,
and mosses and lichen with tiny, delicate features. White tailed deer wander through the yard on their centuries old trails,
and bald eagles often circle and glide overhead. There are cougars
in the area, and black bear too, but they rarely come
within human range. Unlike much of Canada, the mosquitos
and other biting, stinging bugs are very few. There are NO poisonous snakes on the island, and
only one spider that you should steer clear of. And NO cockroaches!